20 June 2010

Happy Father's Day

Thank You, Dad

Thank you for the laughter,
For the good times that we share,
Thanks for always listening,
For trying to be fair.

Thank you for your comfort,
When things are going bad,
Thank you for the shoulder,
To cry on when I'm sad.

This poem's a reminder that
All my life through,
I'll be thanking heaven
For a special dad like you.


10 June 2010

Site Maintenance

I killed a bunch of old posts. New things will be popping in now. =)

31 May 2010

In Memorium

Please remember and honor those that have given their lives in the service of the United States. Thank you for your sacrifices.

29 May 2010

Music Mood Day

So, every once in a while, I get in a mood for a particular "sound" of music. Today, it's the Beatles. I mean, who doesn't like the Beatles? Seriously! I've been wandering around at working humming various tunes from the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album and a few off the White album. They had a particular sound that still appeals to a lot of people. In my humble opinion, they were far ahead of their time - a couple decades - and pioneered a lot of cool "noise." So, for today, here's to the Beatles! Cheers mates!